Asbestos Asbestosis Mesothelioma
AsbestosIt has been estimated that approximately 25 million people have been exposed to asbestos over the past 40 years. The word asbestos is derived from Greek meaning inextinguishable. It is a naturally occurring mineral that when crushed yields silicate fibers. It has been mined for years because of its heat and acid resistant properties. It was banned in 1986 in America for health reasons. It is, however, still mined in other less developed nations.
Asbestosis is one of the pneumonconiosis (lung disease that occurs from inhalation of dust etc) and is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers with resultant damage (fibrosis) to the lungs. Asbestosis usually requires about 15 years before it becomes clinically apparent.
The word mesothelioma implies a tumor of the mesothelium. The word mesothelium refers to the lining cells of body organs such as the lungs (pleura), heart (pericardium) and abdominal organs (peritoneum).
Mesothelioma is a neoplastic process(cancer) that typically involves the lining of the lung (pleura), the lining of the heart (pericardium) or the lining of the abdomen(peritoneum). It is a consensus that it is related to exposure to asbestos -the fibers of asbestos are often found within the tumor itself. Asbestos has been used for over 2000 years for its heat resistant and non-combustible properties. Use in the United States peaked in the years 1930-1960. It was used to insulate buildings and homes, ships and was also used in auto repair.
How mesothelioma starts ...
The fibers of asbestos are inhaled and end up in the portion of the lung where oxygen exchange takes place -the alveolus. Specialized cells in the lungs called macrophages go to work to try to rid the body of these fibers, however, the fibers are too long to be completely ingested by the macrophages and this results in the contents of the macrophage being spilled into the alveolus. The fibers are also very resistant to being digested by the macrophage. The spilling of the intracellular contents of the macrophage into the alveolus damages the alveolus and this results in decreased ability to exchange oxygen. Some of the damaged lung by necessity abuts the visceral pleural surface of the lungs(lining of the lungs) and this is where the mesothelioma will start to grow after many years of chronic inflammation and irritation by the fibers of asbestos.
Some thirty to forty years later
The damage to the alveolus(lungs) smolders for years, as the fibers continue to cause inflammation with resultant scarring. Typically some thirty to forty years later, the affected pleural cells can become malignant resulting in a malignant mesothelioma. This is what makes this an extremely difficult disease to treat. By the time it is clinically apparent it has been there for a long time. This makes treatment problematic at best. The average life span for newly diagnosed malignant mesothelioma is only eleven months.
Typically symptoms do not appear until thirty to forty years following the exposure.
Pulmonary (lung / pleural) symptoms:
shortness of breath
chest pain
both of the above may be related to the accumulation of fluid in the chest
abdominal (peritoneum / peritoneal) symptoms:
abdominal pain
abdominal swelling
both of the above may be related to the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen
Other symptoms of abdominal (peritoneal) mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, anemia, fever and blood clotting problems.
Asbestosis and Malignant Mesothelioma
To make the diagnosis of asbestosis is somewhat difficult in a lot of the cases. History of exposure to asbestos and an appropriate time interval are necessary. Specific findings on a chest xray such as bilateral calcified pleural plaques are diagnostic but only occur in about 15% of the cases. Other findings such as non-calcified pleural plaques and a honeycomb pattern in the lower lung fields are less specific. The disease process asbestosis does indicate a definite exposure to asbestos and in people with asbestosis, there is a five fold increase in lung tumors including malignant mesothelioma.
Treatment for malignant mesothelioma ...
As is fairly obvious from the statistics above, treatment has not been very effective. The average life span of only eleven months is a rather dismal at best, prognosis. As with any cancer, therapy should be directed at boosting the immune system as much as possible since -cancer is a sign of a compromised immune system. If there is chance of a history of exposure to asbestos or one has asbestosis but does not have malignant mesothelioma, it would be optimal to boost the immune system as much as possible. Even with the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, it is still a very good idea to try to keep the immune system working as well as it can.
The MericleDiet and the Immune System
No other diet today takes care of your immune system like the MericleDiet. It is sugar-free so your infection and cancer fighting white blood cells will be operating at top speed. It is the only 100% organic diet that will keep nasty immune-system-wrecking pesticides, hormones and antibiotics out of your body. It is 100% vegan which will further reduce any chance of cancer as much as possible. To visit the MericleDiet please click on the link below.
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Other ways to boost your immune system ...
* Exercise ...Regular exercise that elevates the heart rate has been shown to improve immune system function.
* Avoid any pesticides in your yard or house.
* Avoid new carpet that off-gases many toxic immune system depressing chemicals.
* If you live in a toxic environment (such as under a flight line) try to move if possible to a more healthy environment.
* Avoid as much as you can any antibiotics, steroids or any hormone that can depress immune function.
Thanks for your time.
John Mericle M.D. D.A.B.R.